Monday, October 20, 2008

Erm... Yeah. What's Happening To My... MASK? 10.9.08

I have started my texture of golden retriever! With modelling paste and paddlepop stick, I scraped and 'scratched' modelling paste to the mask, spreading outwards from the nose, or rather, its beak. Mrs Vincent had told us in previous lessons that the texture was to be exaggerated. However mine had still looked textureless after my first go, since I was afraid I would ruin my mask if my texture was too thick. I tried to show the thin(?) texture of the golden retriever's fur, but the texture ended up looking much more different. I'm not sure, but my friends tell me that it looks like a golden retriever's fur, so hopefully the texture will work out. =]

The ears seem the most challenging, though, since the fur is very long, but soft, (golden retriever agai!) and I'm not sure how I'm supposed to show that. Hopefully, I'll finish all the texture except the ears this week! =]

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