Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Term 3 Update - What's Happening With My Mask??? (19/8/08)

Today, I resumed what I had been doing with my mask. Mrs Vincent explained to us how to show texture, creating it with white 'paste' and paddlepop stick. Even though I'm not done paper- macheing, I'm looking forward to doing it soon.

I'd hoped I would be able to cut out a hole in the mask today, but I realised the bottom was still way too soft. So I glued on a few more layers. About FIVE, to be accurate!!!

I also started on my long- delayed ears. I traced my ear shape template to the cardboards. Mrs Vincent then helped me mask- taped them (actually, Mrs Vincent did all the work while I just gawked.) to the correct positions on my mask. With the ears, I mean one ear, now it looked much more like an actual animal mask!

Mrs Vincent told us that the last layer of paper- mache was to be white butcher paper, not newspaper. I still haven't finished this layer. Maybe I'll go to the art room tomorrow and work on my mask, especially my EARS!!!

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